CDN’s Outcomes Schema

The Measurable Outcomes have been developed to facilitate measurement of outcomes of cultural engagement, including arts participation.

The Measurable Outcomes enable the contributions of cultural engagement to be assessed using a systemised approach. This enables organisations to understand how effective they are being in achieving their objectives, thus contributing to evidence-based practice, which is increasingly required by funders and decision-makers.

Policy Domain: Cultural

Through engaging in cultural activity you might expect participants to experience any one of the following outcomes:

  1. Creativity stimulated
  2. Aesthetic enrichment experienced
  3. Knowledge, ideas and insight gained
  4. Diversity of cultural expression appreciated
  5. Sense of belonging to a shared cultural heritage deepened

We also know that other outcomes can occur as a result of engaging in cultural activities. These outcomes are under constant review and may be refined as we examine more theory and research and consult policy experts.

Policy Domain: Social

  1. Wellbeing (physical &/or mental) improved
  2. Sense of safety and security increased
  3. Social connectedness enhanced
  4. Social differences bridged
  5. Feeling valued experienced

Policy Domain: Economic

  1. Professional practice capability increased
  2. Employment-enhancing skill development facilitated
  3. Individual economic wellbeing increased
  4. Local economy supported

Policy Domain: Environmental

  1. Positive sense of place (built and/or natural environment) enhanced
  2. Understanding of ecological issues increased
  3. Natural world valued
  4. Motivation for environmental stewardship increased

Policy Domain: Governance

  1. Access to beneficial networks and other resources increased
  2. Agency and voice enabled
  3. Sense of civic pride enhanced
  4. Civic trust inspired

How were the measurable outcomes developed?

Learn more

Please site this schema as: Dunphy, K & Smithies, J (2018). Outcome schema for cultural engagement. Melbourne: Cultural Development Network.