Report from first meeting: June 19, 2013 in Canberra
The first meeting of the National Local Government Cultural Forum took place on the 19th June in Canberra to coincide with the Australian Local Government Association’s General Assembly. It was chaired by the Hon. Fred Chaney AO and attended by representatives from the seven state and territory local government associations and the eight Australian capital cities, plus Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), the Australia Council for the Arts – Community Partnerships, the Office for the Arts, Global Cities Research Institute (RMIT University) and the Cultural Development Network (CDN).
The aim of the first meeting was to explore the national role of local government in arts and cultural development and to reach consensus on the medium to long-term objectives for the Cultural Forum.
The following topics were agreed as discussion points for the next meeting:
- Response to the National Arts and Culture Accord
- Extent of current local government cultural data and indicators
- Infrastructure development and ‘spaces’
- Local government and national peak arts organisations
- Collecting and utilising case-studies
The next meeting is scheduled for 15 October in Perth, Western Australia.
Further information will be posted on this web site and made available through state local government associations and capital cities.
John Smithies, Director, Cultural Development Network.
P: +61 3 9925 0282