Communiqué – Cultural Forum Meeting 3

The Cultural Forum is a meeting of cultural policy and planning representatives from Australia’s capital cities, local government associations along with Commonwealth Ministry for the Arts and the Australia Council for the Arts.  The Cultural Forum objective is to increase the capacity of local government to strengthen the arts and cultural development in their communities.

More information, including the Terms of Reference and previous communiqués, is available on the website of the Cultural Development Network

Report from third meeting:  Wednesday 19 March 2014, Brisbane, Queensland

The third meeting of the Cultural Forum considered progress on the priority areas agreed to in previous meetings.  The key outcomes are as follows.

The Cultural Forum will;

  1. examine current structures supporting integrated planning for arts and cultural policy across the three tiers of government and provide an overview of local government relationships with State agencies and other national peak bodies;
  2. carry out a review of existing arts and cultural data that is relevant to local government’s work; including data that demonstrates the scope of local government’s contribution to cultural life of communities across Australia;
  3. undertake research about what data is currently used by councils and how, and what data is currently sought by councils and how that could be used, by consulting with the eight capital cities and five sample councils;
  4. work with five sample councils outside of the capital cities, Tiwi Islands Regional Council (NT), City of Mandurah (WA), City of Maribyrnong (VIC), Southern Midlands Shire (TAS) and City of Ipswich (QLD)  as additional research sites with the Cultural Forum;
  5. continue to investigate features of existing local cultural development projects, including outcomes, measures and dynamics, to inform the development of a system for collection of data, by analysing a small set of arts projects as case-studies

The third meeting of the Cultural Forum was preceded by separate meetings of the capital cities and local government associations.  These meetings provided an opportunity for discussion on more specific issues that are additional to the agenda of the National Local Government Cultural Forum meeting.

The National Local Government Cultural Forum is assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body, and managed by the Cultural Development Network in cooperation with the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA).

Communiqué – Cultural Forum Meeting 1

Communiqué – Cultural Forum Meeting 2

Further information will be posted on this web site and made available through state local government associations and capital cities.

John Smithies, Director, Cultural Development Network.
P: +61 3 9925 0282