Evaluation frameworks

Animating Democracy (2015). Areas of Impact: Civic, Artistic, Institutional. Washington: American for the Arts.
A planning tool to help organisations reflect on the civic, artistic, and institutional impact of arts-based civic engagement projects.

Bakhshi, H., Freeman, A., & Hitchen, G. (2009). Measuring intrinsic value – how to stop worrying and love economics.
Cultural economists offer methods for evaluation of cultural activity.

Better Evaluation (2017). Sustained and Emerging Impacts Evaluation (SEIE). Better Evaluation. Retrieved from:
An approach for evaluating how change endures over time.

Boston Youth Arts (2010).  Boston Youth Arts evaluation framework, Boston: Boston Youth Arts.

Interesting evaluation approach using a theory of change ideas.

Davies, R., & Dart, J. (2005). The ‘Most Significant Change’ (MSC) technique, UK: Care International.

Department of Treasury and Finance (2005). Guide to evaluation: how to plan and conduct effective evaluation for policy and programs. Melbourne: Department of Treasury and Finance.

Dunphy, K. (2015). A holistic framework of evaluation for arts engagement, in L. MacDowall, M. Badham, E. Blomkamp & K. Dunphy (Eds), Making Culture Count: the politics of cultural measurement, (pp. 243-263). London: Palgrave.
This article offers a holistic framework for evaluating the outcomes of arts engagement proposed as an effective approach for those seeking to contribute to positive community outcomes through their work, including local government professionals and arts organisations that have a community change agenda.

IXIA Public Art Think Tank (2013).  Public Art: A Guide to Evaluation. London: IXIA Public Art Think Tank.
A thoughtful new approach to evaluating public art.

Keating, C. (2002).  Evaluating community arts and community well-being: an evaluation guide for community arts practitioners, Melbourne: Arts Victoria.

Pope, J. & Jolly, P. (2008).  Evaluation step-by-step guide, Department of Planning and Community Development.

Radbourne, J. Glow, H. & Johanson, K. (2010).  Measuring the intrinsic benefits of arts attendance. Cultural Trends, 19(4), 307-324.
Deakin University academics offer new model on measuring impacts of attendance at formal arts performances.

Queensland Government SWOT analysis