

Building civic engagement through the arts in five communities across Australia, 2006-2009.

The Generations project commenced in 2006 to explore links between engagement in community based arts activities and active civic engagement. It was thought that demonstration of these links could have significant effects on the development of public policy and the targeting of resources to community-based arts projects.

The three-year project was funded by the Australia Council for the Arts, the five participating councils, Creative Victoria, Arts Queensland and Arts NSW.

The findings of the Generations research project were published in 2010:
Art, Governance and the Turn to Community: Putting Art at the Heart of Local Government:
Martin Mulligan and Pia Smith, RMIT Centre for Global Research.

You can read CEO, Charters Towers Regional Council, reflection on the outcomes of ‘Generations’ arts and civic engagement project: Gott, J. (2012) Breaking down the barriers from tribe to community. Local Government Managers Australia, April/May P.15 here

Additional articles including conference proceedings are available from the Generations website.



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