The 4th Pillar of Sustainability Report


The Fourth Pillar revisited: Key questions about cultural sustainability, Jon Hawkes

A Great New Revitalising Idea?, Professor Donald Horne

The Garma Festival: an indigenous cultural perspective, Joe Neparrnga Gumbula (not yet available)

Cultural Sustainability and the National Agenda, Jennifer Bott

The Fourth Pillar in three countries: New Zealand, Penny Eames

The Fourth Pillar in three countries: Australia, Richard Holt

The Fourth Pillar in three countries: Canada, Judy Spokes on behalf of Yasmine Laroche

Alive to Storied Landscapes: Storytelling, Sense of Place and Social Inclusion, Dr Martin Mulligan

Neighbourhoods Talking: Graffiti, Art and the Public Domain, Dr. Christine Dew

Shifting Ground: Negotiating Values in a Gentrifying Community, June Moorhouse

Restructuring Communities: Economic and Social Policies for a different society, Dr Onko Kingma

The Cultural Journey, Anne Dunn

The Spaces Between the Pillars of Sustainability, Marla Guppy (not yet available)

Four Pillars in Practice at the City of Port Phillip, Sally Calder and David Brand

Workshop Summaries

• Nukunu: Our heritage & identity: An Exercise in Collaborative Story Telling, Malcolm McKinnon & Jared Thomas
• Animating the Heritage of Greater Western Sydney, Dr. Elaine Lally, Tiffany Lee-Shoy
• Living Streets Project, Monir Rowshan
• The Art of Renewal, Deborah Miles and Glenda Masson
• A community-centred model for tourism, Frank Panucci and Nat Trimarchi
• Festivals and Community Involvement, Richard Bladel
• Re-igniting Community, Steve Payne
• Creative Communities Synergies, Jeanine Gribbin
• The Greening Program:City of Hume, Natalia Valenzuela
• Community singing event: Practising What We Preach, notes by Jon Hawkes for Fay White’s singing session

• Animating Heritage
• The Culture of Places
• Health and Well-Being
• Arts/Culture: Nexus and Separation
• ArtPlay Visit

• Festivals & Community Involvement
• Models of Inclusion (1)
• Local Government – New Thinking
• Models of Inclusion (2)

List of Delegates

Evaluation Report Summary

Additional Conference Events

About the Cultural Development Network

‘The Fourth Pillar’ book is available as a pdf for free download:
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