Evaluating outcomes of arts engagement: a holistic model

Overview of paper presented at ENCATC Advanced Seminar: Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP, Paris, 22 October 2014

Dr. Kim Dunphy, Research Program Manager, Cultural Development Network

CDN’s Research Program Manager Kim Dunphy made a presentation at the seminar Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP organized by ENCATC, Europe’s leading network on cultural management in Paris in October 2014.  This debate on cultural indicators followed seminars Rethinking Cultural Evaluation: Going Beyond GDP (Antwerp, 2013) and Place of culture in sustainable development: going beyond the GDP indicators (New York City, 2013). It offered participants the possibility to understand the most recent advancements in the debate on culture as an indicator of well‐being and development. A discussion followed on rethinking how to measure the spill‐over effects of cultural and creative industries and how to evaluate cultural approaches. Presenters included Melika Medici Caucino, Programme Specialist, Division of Creativity, UNESCO; María Iglesias Portela, Head of Research and Analysis – KEA European Affairs and Lorena Sanchez, Project Coordinator of Better Life Initiative, OECD.  The seminar was attended by more than 50 cultural managers, researchers, government and arts organisation representatives from across Europe and elsewhere. More information available here: http://encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=372

A brief report on the event and summary of Kim’s presentation, and her powerpoint presentation are available here.

Kim’s full paper will be published in the book Making Culture Count: the politics of cultural measurement, co-edited by Kim with colleagues from VCAM’s Centre for Cultural Partnerships Marnie Badham, Emma Blomkamp and Lachlan Macdowall published by Palgrave and due out in mid-2015.