Values – Council Example


Determining values in the Council Plan

The Wonderland Shire Council Plan includes statements from which values can be determined, and aligned with policy domains. The following excerpts offer examples:

1. The Plan states that

The economic development of the Shire is a means to increase the quality of life of residents

Council works with businesses and training institutions to plan for an economically sustainable future.

Thus it can be determined that the Shire values (presumably good or better) quality of life of residents, as well as economic sustainability. These statements can be aligned with the economic policy domain.

2. The Plan states that

The confidence of the community is based on safety and social connection, and includes two sub-points:

  • Equal access to council services
  • A voice in council policy development

Thus it can be determined that the Shire values safety, social connection, equity and representation in decision-making. These statements can be aligned with the social and civic policy domains.

3. The Plan has a heading:

A creative and aspirational community, which includes two sub-points:

  • Celebrate the diversity of cultures in the shire
  • Provide opportunities for participate in creative expression

Thus it can be determined that the Shire values cultural diversity, participation and creative expression. These statements can be aligned with the cultural policy domain.

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