Arts and Disability


Research Project: Picture This: Increasing the cultural participation of people with a disability in Victoria.

Cultural Development Network for the Office for Disability, Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and Department of Human Services, 2008 – 2009

Gypsy by Altijana Mostic, 2009 (courtesy of the Neami Splash Art Studio Collection)

CDN undertook a research project examining ways that the participation of people with a disability in the arts, as artists and as audience members, can be increased. The project was commissioned by the Office for Disability and partners, Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and Department of Human Services.

The Literature Review and Community Consultation Reports detail findings of the research and the context for arts and disability in Victoria, nationally and internationally. They provide a unique snapshot of a dynamic and burgeoning Victorian arts and disability sector, and also identify some of the barriers that we need to continue to work to remove. They offer ideas, suggestions and possible strategies for increasing the cultural participation of people with a disability, relevant to both government and community.


CDN Project team
Project Team Chair: Dr Nick Hill, University of Melbourne
Project Manager: John Smithies, CDN
Lead researcher: Kim Dunphy, CDN
International Research Associate: Associate Professor Petra Kuppers, University of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Literature review research and editing: Chris Brophy
Research Advisor: Professor John Toumbourou, Deakin University
Research Assistant: Indrani Parker

Related presentation:  Increasing opportunities for arts participation, Kim Dunphy,
Arts Activated Conference, Sydney, NSW, November 2009.