We initiate and run a range of projects that focus on cultural development in communities, with partners including local and state government, arts organisations and universities. Through this work, we aim to expand the knowledge and experience of participants, especially artists, communities and local government staff, and provide information to shape development of public policy. All our major projects include elements of evaluation or research to ensure that the knowledge gained from the project is documented and disseminated.
- Arts Information Exchange (2013-2017)
- Art Central, Central Goldfields Shire, Victoria (2013-2015)
- Cultural indicators for local government (2007-2015)
- LEAP – Localities Enhancing Arts Participation (2010-2013)
- Home Lands: young refugees, identity and media (2009-2012)
- Arts and Disability (2008-2009)
- Generations: building civic engagement through the arts (2006-2009)
- Small Towns Big Picture: revitalising towns in central Victoria (2001-2002).
- Knot@home (2001).
Public Discourse
We also regularly contribute to public debate, discussion and events for our sector: