Arts, Culture and Creative Industries Planning Course Now Open

CDN have collaborated with RMIT University to develop a new course on Cultural Development Planning & Evaluation. The course is available both, as a stand alone for those seeking professional and skills development and as a unit in its Master of Arts Management.

This professional development opportunity is based on CDN’s well practised and internationally recognised planning framework. The course takes participants through all key steps to writing an arts or cultural plan or strategy. The 10-week course is presented entirely on-line and aims for students to have a draft plan ready to take to a board, council or executive.

The course is scheduled to commence in early August and presented by CDN staff with guest lecturers. Those enrolled in the will be expected to attend one 3 hr online session per week with additional study outside of contact time. On completion successful students will receive a certificate of completion and those wishing to continue their studies in either the RMIT Certificate, Diploma or Master of Arts Management are able to get recognition of prior learning.


Course Description

This course aims to build capacity for effective cultural development planning and in doing so achieve better outcomes for cultural events and programs.

Using frameworks developed by the Cultural Development Network, students will learn an evidence-based and outcomes-focussed approach to planning that is consistent and integrated within an organisation’s planning activity. You will also learn to evaluate the overall effectiveness of a plan and its activities.

The frameworks offered in this course have been developed within the sector in the context of key Australian and international policy agendas and are informed by contemporary approaches to planning and governance.

The course focuses on the local government sector but is applicable to anyone seeking to work within a cultural organisation or seek funding for cultural activities.
