From The Hawkes Library; affiliated with
© 10/10/09 Jon Hawkes <email> <web>

Seminar topics for public policy makers

By Jon Hawkes, author of The Fourth Pillar of Sustainability: Culture's essential role in public planning

The four major themes upon which I have developed a certain facility are:

As well as being available to speak on these themes, I have developed presentations on a range of more specific topics that can assist public policy makers to envisage and implement effective ways to achieve their objectives.

1.      The application of a cultural perspective to public planning can improve input and outcomes

Why utilising the 'fourth pillar' model is a useful approach to addressing contemporary issues in the public sphere

2.      The contribution that participatory arts can make to the development of strong and healthy communities

Why arts-making is both critically important to, and an essential element of, community development.

3.      The ways that participatory arts can become an everyday part of community life

How to envisage and implement a range of engaging and ongoing arts activities in a community context.

4.      Animating public space

How to maximise positive interaction within and between communities in public situations.

5.      The resources that communities need to make their own culture

The conditions and opportunities that will facilitate ongoing and inclusive community engagement and creativity.

6.      Priorities for public arts policy

Developing a sense of the relative importance of the varieties of ways in which government can and should contribute to the arts.

7.      Designing an effective Cultural Division / Branch / Team

Optimum internal structures for designing and delivering an effective cultural program and facilitating an efficient cultural assessment overview.

8.      How to implement a cultural perspective

Putting a cultural overview into practice: the questions to ask and ways to evaluate the answers.

9.      The ingredients of cultural vitality

The elements to look for.

10.     Making diversity an asset

Difference can be a recipe for disaster or for liveliness. How to choose the right direction.

11.     Arts indicators

How to develop and express achievable goals.

12.     Applied creativity

A practical guide to the meaning, value, function and realisation of creativity in communities.

13.     Organisational change

The internal attitudes and approaches to cultural development that are needed for cultural development to be effective. Ways to achieve requisite changes.

14.     Sustainability

Planning for cultures that feed themselves.

© 10/10/09 Jon Hawkes <email> <web>
From The Hawkes Library; affiliated with

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