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© 20/10/09 Jon Hawkes <email> <web>
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Know Thyself

Cultural development within bureaucracies

A key area of cultural development at the local level is within the agencies responsible for facilitating cultural development. Without development within these agencies, their capacity to fruitfully assist communities to develop their cultures will remain inhibited and counter-productive.


The first challenge to be met is unawareness, and the response should be learning and advocacy.

A society's health and capacity to effectively respond to change is fundamentally dependent on the energetic engagement of its people. This can be encouraged, focussed and maintained by supporting local cultural development.
This argument needs to be understood and promoted.

The second challenge to be met is insensitivity, and the response should be listening and self-examination.

The values and behaviours that surround State interventions significantly affect their impact. Particularly in the area of local cultural development, the way that State agents choose to engage with the communities they serve will profoundly affect what happens.
Counter-productive tendencies need to be identified and worked on.

These challenges can be addressed through:

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© 20/10/09 Jon Hawkes <email> <web>
From The Hawkes Library; affiliated with

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