Kim Dunphy and Adriana Partal
Summary of paper presented at International Conference of Cultural Policy Researchers, Hildesheim, Germany, September 2014
Culture has increasingly been accepted as dimension of public policy and activity around the world in the last decade, alongside social, economic and ecological considerations. Techniques for impact assessment of new initiatives on our economy, ecology and society are becoming more sophisticated, but these are not yet well established within the cultural domain. This paper presents the results of a comprehensive literature review on applications of cultural impact assessment (CIA). Findings include the fact that CIA has largely been implemented since 2002, predominantly to understand the impact of development processes on particular cultural groups. CIA is documented most frequently in countries with indigenous populations, including Hawai’i, USA; New Zealand; Australia and Africa. Also discussed is the emerging use of the term CIA in the “cultural” (funded arts and heritage) sector, where it is used to mean both impact on a culture, but also impact of cultural activities on participants and communities.
Download the report which is a summary of their findings | Download the Powerpoint presentation | Conference website